alignment. your limitless nature. profound self-belief. your next chapter.

A self-guided program to kickstart the next chapter of alignment in your life. A total immersion into the tools, practices, and teachings that will not only install a profound level of belief in yourself, but motivate you to take inspired action and create huge shifts in your life. ACTIVATE blends Human Design with neuroscience and spiritual teachings to create game-changing shifts both in and around you.

What You'll Experience:

  • Human Design Mastery: Dive deep into your unique Human Design, uncovering insights that illuminate your true self.

  • Breath & Sound Journeys: Experience 4 breath and sound journeys (2 live, 2 pre-recorded) to integrate your understanding and align your energy.

  • Aligned Action: Unlock tools to support your transformation, helping you rise to your vision with energetics and actionable steps.

  • Building Self-Belief: Learn techniques to cultivate unwavering self-belief and confidence in your abilities.

  • Overcoming Resistance: Equip yourself with tools to break through self-doubt and overcome personal limitations.

What You Get:

  • 4 Transformative Breathwork & Meditation Sessions: 4 breath and sound journeys, each designed to deepen your self-awareness, align your energy, and anchor you throughout this transformation.

  • 3 Masterclasses: Engage in in-depth sessions on Human Design, self-discovery, and building self-belief.

Who It's For:

  • Creatives, healers, visionaries, and entrepreneurs looking to make soul-led impact.

  • Individuals ready to embark on a transformative journey and embody their highest potential.

  • Those seeking to understand and master themselves through Human Design.

  • Anyone desiring comprehensive tools and support to overcome limitations and build self-belief.

Through Human Design you will learn to shed limitations and embrace who you really are. In 3 masterclasses you’ll gain the practical tools to make aligned decisions, use your energy and innate gifts to manifest your vision, and know exactly what obstacles to watch out for.

With the power of breath and sound, you’ll integrate these teachings into the core of your Being. In guided meditations you will experience a strong intuitive connection with yourself and get clarity on what is meant for you.

This program is both a nervous system reset and a recalibration to who you really are so you can align your core operating system to your highest potential.


An unshakeable inner knowing and confidence rooted in who you really are.

An ability to connect with your intuition for crystal clarity and support.

Momentum and motivation synced up with your vision and goals.

Your next chapter of alignment and inspired action.

  • Leverage your energy type, gifts, and unique form of intuition to create Alignment in life, career, and your next chapter.

  • I’d sign up just for these!! With the power of breathwork, meditation, and curated soundscapes, you will match your frequency to that of your desires and new learnings from this program. Plus, learn to open your heart and mind to intuitive guidance (channeling!).

    4 total breath & sound journeys.

  • By pairing the science of motivation with energetics, this experience will help you overcome Resistance and doubt no matter when or what form it comes in.

    And, learn what kinds of doubt and resistance you might face according to your Human Design.

you are ready for your next level.

Welcome to a program focused on helping you understand and master yourSelf, overcome limitations, and increase self-belief to embody your highest potential through the integration of Human Design, breath and sound journeys, plus total nervous system attunement.

ACTIVATE will equip you with game-changing knowledge and practices for your alignment journey and turning your vision into reality.


“Working with Bella was absolutely incredible. She is supportive, understanding, caring, and helpful. Bella did an amazing job at guiding me with support and advice. Her guided meditations are VERY powerful!! She encouraged me to not be so hard on myself and showed me how capable I am of creating my visions into reality. She helps to rewire and shift beliefs and perceptions, showing different perspectives on resistance. I feel inspired by how she shows up. I definitely recommend working with Bella to feel more empowered and confident in yourself! Since the start of our calls, I have noticed a HUGE shift in my energy, motivation, and how I show up in the world. I feel more confident and intuitive. She meets you where you're at and helps you step towards your highest self. I am so grateful for her and this experience!”

— Alex | Creative Mentee


your next chapter of Alignment

Human Design mastery of your authority, energy, and gifts

profound belief in yourself (borderline delusional!)


Sign up for Activate below. This will give you access to the course portal where the masterclasses, breath journeys and supporting resources are available.

ACTIVATE: Your Next Chapter of Alignment
One time
For 2 months

A 3-week self-guided program to kickstart the next chapter of alignment in your life. A total immersion in the tools, practices, and teachings that will not only install a profound level of belief in yourself, but motivate you to take inspired action and create huge shifts in your life. Blending neuroscience with spirituality for maximum impact on YOU. *no refunds*

✓ 3 masterclasses on Human Design and overcoming Resistance
✓ 4 Breath & Sound Journeys
✓ Masterclass PDFs + Breath Journey Playlists

Meet Your Guide:

My name is Bella and I’m an ever-curious, walking exclamation point heaven-bent on embodying wisdom, enjoying my life, and teaching others the profound spiritual lessons that have changed me forever. I’m a Generator 1/4 that loves to deepen my knowledge and share it with others.

I’ve been a creative soul since I landed Earth-side, following my instincts and intuition toward the Awakening that brought me back to myself and the Truth: All is one and I have been divinely crafted by a beautiful Universal Life Force that is always conspiring in my favor. Yeehaw!! Those are some powerful words and I am here to live by them as best I can.

I was once plagued by self-doubt and limiting beliefs. I ignored my intuition and allowed too many external voices to tell me what to do. Then came the shift. The moment everything changed and I realized it was time to fully trust my vision, my Self, AND my inner guidance system. It is through the relentless pursuit of my highest calling and listening to my inner Authority that I have become fulfilled, aligned, and full of LIFE. And now…

I write, speak, teach, and mentor to expand fellow Souls on the path to being who they truly are, tapping into their innate wisdom, and FORGING THEIR OWN DAMN PATH with full trust, confidence, and individuality.

A few places you’ll find me:

  • Co-hosting the Out Of Our Minds podcast with my spiritual bestie Nikki

  • Dancing to tropical house music as the sun sets

  • Teaching about Human Design, creativity and profound spiritual lessons

  • Mentoring epic Souls like you that are ready to send it on their dreams

And one more thing. There’s this term I like to use that perfectly encapsulates the overall goal of ~any and all the things I do~. It’s The Alignment Effect:

The Alignment Effect:

A cosmic harmony where self-discovery, intentional actions, and leveraging your unique gifts cultivate a life of true alignment. By tapping into the synergy between individual authenticity and universal forces, this concept unveils a path to manifest the life you are meant to live, guided by purpose and propelled by the supportive energies of the universe.


  • No, this is a self-guided program with recorded masterclasses and breath journeys! You can go at your own pace and get lifetime access (unless I decide to take the program down).

  • All practices are Pranayama, an ancient yogic breathing technique. This is different from mainstream Wim Hof or mouth-based breathwork and is more gentle yet still activating and powerful.

    You will learn the basics of these pranayama practices throughout all 4 breath journeys.

    My certification is from Academy of Breath.

  • This program is friendly to all levels of Human Design knowledge, but will have a particular focus on mastering the fundamentals of energy types, energy centers, channels, strategy & authority, and using your gifts.

    If you are totally new to HD, this program is a perfect place to start. I teach in a way that allows even beginners to master advanced concepts!

  • The only should in life is to honor yourself above all else. To listen to the callings of your soul and have the courage to honor your essence.

    So if this calls to you, and you’re a soul meant to lead a life of fulfillment, joy, and expansion… I welcome you with open arms!!!


Sign up for Activate below. This will give you access to the course portal where the masterclasses, breath journeys and supporting resources are available.

ACTIVATE: Your Next Chapter of Alignment
One time
For 2 months

A 3-week self-guided program to kickstart the next chapter of alignment in your life. A total immersion in the tools, practices, and teachings that will not only install a profound level of belief in yourself, but motivate you to take inspired action and create huge shifts in your life. Blending neuroscience with spirituality for maximum impact on YOU. *no refunds*

✓ 3 masterclasses on Human Design and overcoming Resistance
✓ 4 Breath & Sound Journeys
✓ Masterclass PDFs + Breath Journey Playlists