ACTIVATE: Your Next Chapter
Welcome to ACTIVATE: a self-guided program to kickstart the next chapter of alignment in your life. A total immersion in the tools, practices, and teachings that will not only install a profound level of belief in yourself, but motivate you to take inspired action, embody your soul’s calling, and step into your unique genius! Blending Human Design with neuroscience and spirituality for max impact on YOU.
Includes 3 Masterclasses on Human Design and creativity, plus 4 Breath & Sound Journeys to receive clarity, release old stories, and attune to your highest expression.
Kick Off Call + Breath Journey 1
Set an intention for your next chapter by connecting with a sacred space in nature and feeling the power of mother earth and the cosmos. Ends with a journaling exercise.
Set an intention for your next chapter by connecting with a sacred space in nature and feeling the power of mother earth and the cosmos. Ends with a journaling exercise.
Masterclass #1: Human Design Fundamentals + Strategy & Authority
Dive into the fundamentals of Human Design including the origin story of this system, the information field of neutrinos, and how to implement your strategy and authority for alignment.
Dive into the fundamentals of Human Design including the origin story of this system, the information field of neutrinos, and how to implement your strategy and authority for alignment.
Breath & Sound Journey 2: Energize Your Morning/Week Ahead
Drop into this practice in the morning or for your week ahead to reset your energy and set the tone for what you’d like to experience! Repeat daily for best results.
Drop into this practice in the morning or for your week ahead to reset your energy and set the tone for what you’d like to experience! Repeat daily for best results.
Masterclass #2: The 9 Energy Centers + Overcoming Resistance
Align yourself with your unique blueprint through the 9 energy centers of Human Design. By integrating practices and new approaches to your emotions, desires, inspiration and more, you will eliminate Resistance and be able to take profoundly aligned action.
Align yourself with your unique blueprint through the 9 energy centers of Human Design. By integrating practices and new approaches to your emotions, desires, inspiration and more, you will eliminate Resistance and be able to take profoundly aligned action.
Breath & Sound Journey: Release to Receive
A guided journey to acknowledge any limitations or stories that no longer serve and make room to receive more light and abundance.
A guided journey to acknowledge any limitations or stories that no longer serve and make room to receive more light and abundance.
Masterclass #3: Personality Profile + Confidence in Your Genius
Step into your power and individuality through your Human Design profile and piece together YOUR unique genius. Includes multiple integration activities + reflection prompts.
Step into your power and individuality through your Human Design profile and piece together YOUR unique genius. Includes multiple integration activities + reflection prompts.
Breath & Sound Journey: Trust & Surrender
Sink deep into the feelings of trust and surrender as you visit an abundant garden and send your intention/vision out into the Universe. A practice to help you trust your gifts and genius.
Sink deep into the feelings of trust and surrender as you visit an abundant garden and send your intention/vision out into the Universe. A practice to help you trust your gifts and genius.