Become Who You Really Are

Human Design Coaching with Bella Solanot

Master your gifts, tap into your innate wisdom, and forge a soul-led path.

Human Design and the call for transformation find you when you need it most. It finds you when you are ready to step into who you really are and to make the pivot that changes everything. But sometimes there’s a space between who you know yourself to be and the person you are right now. Whether that’s from limiting beliefs, following the “shoulds” of life (and gosh, there are so many), or simply questioning the intuitive knowing that’s been whispering to you for so long —  this stage is divine and it’s a catalyst. It’s the shadow expression of our Self that shows us how much light there is.

When we live our Design and have the courage to take aligned action, we suddenly sync up with our highest Self. We become who we really are. A person that trusts their authority. A soul that listens to their innate wisdom and does the thing that lights them up. A magnetic being who fulfills their life’s purpose with ease and flow.

You’ve come across uncertainty, lack of clarity, and an inkling inside of you for a reason — because that is what catalyzes you to finally step into your true Self and let your soul take the wheel. You’re ready to be who you really are.


Create clarity, confirmation, and momentum with transformative coaching sessions that fuse intuitive guidance with your unique Human Design.

Digital Design Discovery

For self-paced & self-guided mastery. Receive a customized digital reading to strengthen your intuition, follow your Strategy & Authority, step into your unique genius, and learn more about your overall chart.

This reading is in-depth, personalized to you, and provides tangible practices to help you master your Design.

Reading sent via email within 7 days.

Soul Sync Design Session

Sync up with your Souls path through a 1-hr coaching session focused on creating clarity and unveiling your next aligned step. For the Soul ready to pivot or re-align, but facing blocks, uncertainty, or Resistance.

Sync up with expansive energy that creates confidence, unfuckwithability, and inspiration to take aligned action.

Includes 1-hr coaching call, PDF chart & follow-up email.

Design Deep Dive

An in-depth 2-part exploration of your Design. Receive intuitive coaching to align your actions with your true self, foster momentum, and build confidence. Unravel your unique blueprint, find direction, and begin mastering your energy, personality, and gifts using Human Design.

Call 1: Deep Dive & Reading

Call 2: Integration & Coaching

Design Journey for Creatives & Entrepreneurs

1:1 mentorship fusing Human Design, intuitive guidance, and deconditioning for creatives and entrepreneurs. Create from a place of flow, ease, and unique genius by understanding your energy, personality, and gifts.

The coaching container that uplevels your intuition, creative process, and success via soul-led mastery.

3 months, bi-weekly calls, message support

Who Am I & What Do I Do?

My name is Bella and I’m an ever-curious, walking exclamation point heaven-bent on embodying wisdom, enjoying my life, and teaching others the profound spiritual lessons that have changed me forever. I’m a Generator 1/4 that loves to deepen my knowledge and share it with others.

I’ve been a creative soul since I landed Earth-side, following my instincts and intuition toward the Awakening that brought me back to myself and the Truth: All is one and I have been divinely crafted by a beautiful Universal Life Force that is always conspiring in my favor. Yeehaw!! Those are some powerful words and I am here to live by them as best I can.

I write, speak, teach, and mentor to expand fellow Souls on the path to being who they truly are, tapping into their innate wisdom, and HAVING FUN WHILE THEY DO IT.

A few places you’ll find me:

  • Co-hosting the Out Of Our Minds podcast with my spiritual bestie Nikki

  • Dancing to tropical house music as the sun sets

  • Teaching about Eastern philosophy and profound spiritual lessons

  • Mentoring epic Souls like you that are ready to send it on their dreams

And one more thing. There’s this term I like to use that perfectly encapsulates the overall goal of ~any and all the things I do~. It’s The Alignment Effect:

The Alignment Effect:

A cosmic harmony where self-discovery, intentional actions, and leveraging your unique gifts cultivate a life of true alignment. By tapping into the synergy between individual authenticity and universal forces, this concept unveils a path to manifest the life you are meant to live, guided by purpose and propelled by the supportive energies of the universe.

You came here to be your own authority. You’re here to follow YOUR highest excitement and unfold your unique path.