Your Free Training
Part One: Master your Human Design Authority and understand the inner workings of your intuition
Part Two: Call forward clarity and an intuitive message through a guided breathwork and meditation journey
But first… A quick word on that “invisible information field” I’ve referenced before… The invisible information field around us, often referred to as the neutrino field in Human Design, acts as a vast, interconnected web that holds the energetic imprints of the universe. This field is an essential conduit through which we access our intuition, a deep inner knowing that transcends rational thought. In the framework of Human Design, each individual possesses a unique authority that guides them in making decisions aligned with their true self. This authority serves as a personal compass, attuned to the subtleties of the neutrino field and the Universe, which constantly flows through and around us, carrying cosmic information. By tuning into this field and aligning with our inherent authority, we can more effectively tap into our intuition, allowing us to navigate life with a sense of clarity and purpose that resonates with the universe's greater design. Pretty dang cool right?! OK, now let’s dive into the training.
Masterclass on Human Design Authority & Accessing Your Intuition
Grab a free chart here if you don’t know your Authority!
The 7 Human Design Authorities
Decision-making comes after riding the emotional wave and finding clarity over time.
Decisions are made in the moment, based on gut responses that feel like a yes or no.
Instant, intuitive knowing that provides spontaneous guidance and is often a quiet, inner voice.
Heart / Ego
Decisions are driven by the willpower and heart's desires, ensuring choices are aligned with personal motivation.
Guidance comes from talking things out and listening to one's own voice and identity.
Decisions are influenced by the external environment and conversations with others.
For Reflectors, decisions are best made over a lunar cycle (about 28 days) to allow for clarity through reflection.
Guided Breath & Meditation Journey to create clarity
Practices featured: Nadi Shodhana and Kapalabhati
Here’s how you can take this training even further:
Set the intention for the next 30 days to communicate with your intuition daily. No matter which Authority you have, you can get familiar with and experiment with tuning in to your inner guidance system.
Try the meditation practice from this training to drop in daily or weekly.
To best connect with your true self, guides, and intuition, your environment must be supportive! Meaning, a quiet mind, a safe body, and a calm nervous system. This is why breathwork allows you to connect with your inner voice so clearly!
Add a consistent breath and meditation practice to your weekly routine (feel free to reuse the one in this training!).
If you’d like to go even deeper into your Human Design, your Bodygraph, your unique energetic blueprint, your gifts… And so on, book a session with me here!
For in-depth support, check out the SoulSync Journey (below).
You’re ready for more…
And I’ve got just the thing for you. A series of 3 transformative sessions to help you sync up with your soul’s path. For the soul ready to take action from an energetically aligned place, release what no longer serves them, and embody their truest form.
Explore The SoulSync Journey below and claim your next chapter of Alignment…