Alignment Catalyst

Create unstoppable energy and belief behind your vision through the creative act. Learn the balance of creating an ACTION-BIAS and doing the inner healing work to unblock doubts, push past Resistance, and finally move the needle forward on your motha-effing DREAMS!

Plus, unlock creative flow by understanding your Human Design Bodygraph and activating all 9 energy centers with a transformative breath & sound journey curated to Rufus Du Sol, Ben Bohmer, and Shouse.

Access the masterclasses, supporting PDFs, and Spotify Playlists below.

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What you’ll learn

  • Your Human Design bodygraph reveals a blueprint for how energy moves through your mind-body-soul and what centers are open or closed. Plus, ideas follow a certain life cycle, helping you identify what type of resistance you are facing.

  • Activate powerful levels of creativity by connecting with your breath and tapping into your energetic body’s wisdom. Practices include box breath and Kapalabhati (breath of fire).

    Heal and transmute resistance through a captivating soundscape and powerful breath practice.

  • By combining conceptual understanding of your Design with activating breathwork, you’ll see how you can create flow states with creativity and your energy centers.